Conscious Sexuality for Young Adults
Sexuality is a contentious subject that many would prefer to avoid altogether, but safety, respect, discernment and wisdom are necessary ingredients for young adults to obtain as life skills when it comes to this kind of relating.
So much is missing from mainstream forms of sex education! And harm can come from ignoring this subject like it doesn’t exist. Many young adults feel awkward broaching this subject with their parents, I assist by providing them knowledge and wisdom.
Many wounds are created for young men and women before learning about key things like consent, communication, relationship skills, and ways to conduct oneself while stepping into this part of one’s humanness.
Sex/sexuality is something that almost every human experiences at some point in their life. For young adults, this is the age they are facing situations for the first time. Having some wisdom in their back pockets could create more meaningful connections and fulfillment, and less wounding for self and others.
It’s not realistic to think they won’t have sex. Realistically, most will find ways to sneak around to do it if it is forbidden, which may include lying about where they are, etc.
My number one goal on this topic is to provide information so that when they do have sex, whenever that is (at some point in their lives they will)- they know things like:
1). How to ask for consent and not be pushy (young men in particular)
2). How to have discernment and when to set boundaries
3). Respect for self and others
4). How to create meaningful, respectful, fulfilling and growthful intimate relationships
5). How to listen to and respect the body, including noticing red flags
And more…